European Union Natural Care Products “Coffee Chat”
onlineThe European cosmetics and personal care market is the largest in the world, valued at €79.8 billion in retail sales in 2019. With eCommerce opportunities also growing in this industry,...
The European cosmetics and personal care market is the largest in the world, valued at €79.8 billion in retail sales in 2019. With eCommerce opportunities also growing in this industry,...
Overview Join us for this two-part webinar series to learn how US companies can better position themselves to pursue both Foreign Military Sales and Direct Commercial Sales opportunities. Objectives Join...
Overview The USMCA’s entered into force on July, 2020. With the first year of USMCA coming up, what are some of the key changes in regulations, procedures, and impact on...
Join us (virtually) to learn about services offered through the U.S. Department of Commerce’s U.S. Commercial Service to help you increase exports for rural companies. RAISE: Rural America’s Intelligence Service...
Overview: Join us for a informal discussion on export documentation. Learn export documentation basics and requirements plus its potential pitfalls. Have your questions ready to be discussed and don’t forget...
Join the U.S. Commercial Service and U.S. Mission to the United Nations on May 6, 1 pm – 2pm EST for an information communications and technology presentation and roundtable on...
The NRI program is designed to benefit U.S. companies by allowing them to sell to Canadian clients on a landed cost basis, streamline the customs process, and reduce paperwork. This...
The U.S. Commercial Service's Global Advanced Manufacturing Team invites U.S. exporters to join us for "virtual coffee chats" with our U.S. Embassy colleagues across Asia. These informal video discussions are...
Event Details Learn about several high prospect sectors, associated opportunities, reasons to consider doing business in the country, and the U.S. Government resources available to support your company in the...
U.S. firms that are new to exporting to Canada need to understand the requirements for their products to be properly labeled and certified before shipping them for sale in Canada....
The NASBITE International Annual Conference provides a rich forum for learning and networking across a broad spectrum of topics related to international business, trade and trade education. NASBITE Conferences are...
Event: UK Reach: New Regulations for the Chemicals Sector Date: May 19, 2021 Time: 11:00 a.m. ET 12:00 p.m. ET Cost: $25 Join the U.S. Commercial Service to learn more...