
  1. Events
  2. Organizers
  3. SelectUSA
Events from this organizer

SelectUSA Tech – CleanTech Virtual Inbound Investment Mission


This Inbound Investment Mission will include sessions with U.S. government speakers, webinars covering key investment topics, a pitching session, and presentations from selected EDOs. Sessions will run from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm EST. Additionally, a networking platform will be open the entire week. The event provides valuable information and networking opportunities for: • Global...


SelectUSA Brazil Roadshow 2023


SelectUSA along with the U.S. Commercial Service in Brazil will host the 6th edition of a facilitated investment mission (aka roadshow) in Sao Paulo, Brazil between February 6 through 8. This will be an great opportunity for U.S. economic development organizations (EDOs) to meet with potential investors and showcase the uniqueness of their regions. During...
