European American Chamber of Commerce

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  3. European American Chamber of Commerce
Events from this organizer

Reining in on Sanctions Evasion – Managing the Complexity of an Ever-evolving Sanctions Regimen


Sanctions only work when they can be effectively enforced. Especially global Sanctions regimen are hard to track and with that even harder to enforce. With the continuously evolving sanctions against Russia many companies and financial institutions find it difficult to ensure that their business activities are compliant. Fines for non-compliance are high and the reputational...


Forced Labor Statute Update – Prepare Your Transatlantic Business to Meet the Comply with the New Rules


With the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (“UFLPA”) coming into effect, alongside of new European legislation, importers and exporters alike will face increased scrutiny with customs officials at US and European entry points. On both sides of the Atlantic multi-agency Forced Labor Enforcement Task Forces are developing strategies and have provided new guidance to importers...
